Thursday, November 17, 2005

Another day

I got my Social Security Number today! Wohoo! Now I'm like a real person here, or so it seems. Now I can exchange my driver's license for a NYS one, open a bank account, and even get a job (whole body shiver)...not that I don't want to work, this whole staying at home thing is getting a little old. But then once I find a job, I'll miss being at's an awful Catch 22. I've been job searching, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

I was also super productive and finished up my painting today. All of the trim is now done! It took me six hours altogether, including clean up. I missed most of Alias and pretty much all of CSI...I'm so annoyed about that. But I feel bad for Marmelade, I locked him in the bathroom the whole time because all of the painting was being done in the main rooms that are all open and I knew he would either get into the paint or pester me way too much while I was trying to work. I went in every half hour and petted him and played with him for a bit...maybe that's why it took me so long to finish. Well, when I decided that the paint was dry enough for him to come out, I let him out and then I realized that he was missing his collar. I looked all over the bathroom...nothing. Then I poured over the house...nothing. I mean, there are lots of kitty hiding places that I'm sure I don't know about where it could be, but I couldn't see it. Then I started freaking out that the cat ate his is physically possible, I think. I listened to his belly to see if I could hear the bell on his collar, but I couldn't. John and my mom both said they didn't think he ate it and even if he could, he probably wouldn't. I don't know, I've seen the cat eat lint...who would want to eat that? So I'm still semi-freaked...and then the cat had to start being bad and trying to play with my robe and biting me in the process. So I have locked myself in the computer room and I am waiting for him to calm down...and I suppose, for me to calm down too. Man, I am so fragile about this's good practice for a kid, really. And they do say that cats are just like furry little kids...


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