Friday, December 30, 2005

Odd Bits

Lynne's Christmas Knit In was so much fun! Be sure to follow the link to her blog to see pics of the event...and pics of me! She is such a doll! Lisa, her daughter Carol Grace, and I carpooled over together. Carol Grace picked out the best gift for me in the exchange...yarn and a pattern to make butterfly socks! I really want to learn how to make socks. I am really excited to start! Chris got a super cool gift that I think I may want to try too, she got yarn to dye and Koolaid to dye it with!

So since the knit in, it's been pretty hectic. Interview Wednesday morning, and then my family came up to visit. My mom and I went to Joanne's on the Ridge, while my dad, brother, and John went to Circuit City and Dick's. Mom got some gorgeous fabric to make another quilt; when I talked to her today she already had part of it pieced together. Then we regrouped and we went to A.C. Moore and the boys went to Media Play. All in all, it was a very productive day. Then we came back and had leftover turkey they brought with them. Mmmm turkey leftovers! Then Thursday, I had another interview for a different job at the same company. I REALLY hope I get that one, the position and the department both sound great. GAH! Keep your fingers crossed for me. When I got home, we met up with Karen, Eric, Owen, Shawnee and Marc for dinner in Spencerport. I got some kind of alfredo chicken broccoli sundried tomatoe pasta dish and it was fab! Thankfully there was so much that I have leftovers!

So that brings us to today. We put away Christmas this morning and now I'm just running around doing odd jobs that unfortunately have to be done around the house. John is setting up our DVR that we got for Christmas. It seems to be going well. I am about to start my own little knit-a-thon to get that stupid (yes, we are calling it stupid now) poncho done! GAH! Okay, must go and knit....


Blogger In a good place! said...

Hey Krista if you get some of that we can dye together, in the spring so we can do it outside.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Hi Krista - It was nice to meet you at Lynne's Knitapalooza. I wanted to let you know that we have started a web ring for knitting bloggers who live in Upstate New York. To join, go to my blog at and click on the join link under Upstate New York Knitters. Hope you will join in. - Susan

7:52 PM  

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