Saturday, January 07, 2006

Blogging from Canada

I'm at my parents' place in Canada for the weekend. I had a couple of errands to run, and decided to make a weekend of it. We had pizza last night, it was super tasty. I love Nick's pizza. I was able to see Kim and Bridgette, she is getting so much bigger and she is SO cute! And then last night, we had a family game of Sequence. I don't know if you've played Sequence, but you must. It is so fun! My mom and I won a lot! John and I have a travel version for two, but he played with just my brother over the holidays and decided that it's really not as fun with only two people, so he's not that excited to play the game with me. BOOOOOOO!

Today has been a nice relaxing day. My dad left for China and Italy this afternoon on business, so I'm glad I was here to see him off. I've spent most of the day knitting. My sock is growing! Mostly because I really can't figure out the pick up stitches thing on the purse. My mom tried to help me, but I'm not really convinced that she knows what she is doing (sorry Mom, you really didn't sound that confident) so I will seek help elsewhere (yes Lisa, that means you! LOL Thank you!) We had perogies and shrimp for supper and it was fantastic. My sister is such a great cook, she just invents all of these things and puts them together and they taste fab! It took her a few years to get that good though (sorry Sarah, but it's true). I remember some concoctions she made that were barely edible. But that was a long long time ago.

I'll be heading back to the US of A tomorrow. I'm glad I wasn't heading back tonight, the roads are a little slippery. We saw the QEW on the news and the cars were all over the place. I hate winter driving! GAH!


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