Tuesday, January 17, 2006

So freaking frustrated

Yesterday was yet another day of frustrated knitting. I thought I finally mastered the provisional cast on, but then I realized that I cast on SO tightly that it was really impossible to knit and I don't really know how to do it any more losely, so I gave up on that and decided to make Picovoli without the picots because really, I would like to be able to wear this garment sometime this year. So I cast on again and joined my stitches, only to realize I was knitting with my yarn tail instead of my working yarn. GAH! So that was the end of me knitting last night. I get to a point sometimes where I just can't do anymore. I was too upset to even pick up Sitcom Chic.

So today I am in Canada. I came up to visit with Ashley and to hang out at my parents' place so that the counter top they ordered can be delivered tomorrow (no one else would be around and since I was planning to come up anyways, I arranged to be here so it could be delivered, I am such a good daughter). I wasn't planning to come up until tonight, but then I found out that there was supposed to be freezing rain, because my mom called me frantically to tell me to plan my trip around it. I checked the weather and the radar when I left and I saw no sign of rain. Well, as soon as I got to St. Catharines, the temperature dropped and the rain started. By the time I got to Hamilton, it was quite nasty. On Highway 6, there were like two accidents and one of them was really bad. That really threw a wrench in my plans...I was going to stop at the mall on the way, but I decided it would really be best just to get there so I can relax at home.

So to help me relax, I tried to pick up stitches on my sister's scarf that she wants to lengthen because she only knit it with one skein of yarn and she got another one. But there are two problems with this idea, Sarah, as I have discovered:

1. the yarn is not a standard yarn, so I figured out how many stitches she had knit with originally and I even figured out what pattern she used, but I cannot see how to pick up 36 stitches evenly along the scarf. I tried two times and it just wasn't happening.

2. the second skein of yarn is from a different dye lot, so from the little I knitted up when I was figuring out the scarf I could tell that it would be very easy to tell that she started another ball of yarn. That would be a big issue for me because I am a total perfectionist, so I don't know how she will feel about it.

But this, unfortunately, only adds to my current knitting frustration. I think I'm getting a headache...


Blogger Susan said...

Glad you made it back to the US safely Krista. As for your frustrated attempts at knitting ... sometimes it helps to back off and take a break and do things like look at patterns or organize your stash. I'm sure you'll be back in the groove again soon!

11:32 PM  
Blogger In a good place! said...

I've had days like that, knit 1 row rip out 2...
If you want to try the provisional cast on again try doing it with 2 needles together. Say your using size 4's to knit the project, use a 4 and a 2 and then when you are done casting on remove the 2 and you will have a looser cast on. I had to do that for a project and it works great.

7:32 AM  

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