Tuesday, February 07, 2006


As I was browsing through my Stitch n Bitch books to look for information about picking up stitches, I happened to come across the mention of picot edges. And low and behold, the Nation book actually has directions to do a picot edge. That don't involve a provisional cast on! I tried but failed so many times, but I still desperately want my edging to sit nicely and not roll up. So I found a solution. It says to knit in stockinette stitch for about 1/2" to 1" and then do a row of yarn overs and knit two togethers, and then simply sew the edge of the hem to the inside. I am so pumped, I am totally going to try it! Good thing I hadn't started my increasing for the neckline yet! I'll just continue on in my stockinette and then start the increasing, which thanks to Chris I now know how to do...okay, must go and knit...


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