Thursday, March 23, 2006

Jumbled thoughts all woven together...

I had a great time at Knit Knite tonight. What a great bunch of ladies. And I bought Lamb's Pride Bulky yarn to make felted marsupial bags for Karen, Hillary and for me to match my new jacket. After much debate I settled on bring pink and orange for my purse. It will look fabulous! I just want to start knitting it right now! GAH! And it was 20% off, because I mentioned the A Knitter's Corner website. I promise I will post a picture of me modeling the purse with my jacket when it is all done.

My parents are in Mexico this week. And now I really miss them. I talk to my mom at least 2-3 times a week, and I haven't talked to them since Friday. And that didn't really count, because I called to wish them a great trip and my aunt and uncle that were travelling with them had already arrived so I was nicely blown off. Which I completely understand. But I really miss my chats with her. They get back Saturday night, and then my aunt and uncle fly out Sunday early afternoon, so I think I will accost them with a phone call on Sunday afternoon.

When I was driving back from Knit Knite tonight, it was so clear outside in the night sky. I could see so many stars. I can't wait for summer when I can sit out and watch the stars beside a nice wood fire. Those are some of my best memories as a child.

Marmelade was very happy to see me when I got home. He kept licking my face repeatedly, to the point that I had to get him off of me. He is definitely a licker! Right now he is cleaning himself on John's computer chair. That's his normal spot, when he's not sitting on me, when I am on the computer.

Well, I should go to bed. I keep hearing everyone at work sniffling and sneezing and coughing, and I think I have been just barely holding off that cold that everyone is getting.


Blogger continueinkind said...

Thank you for the post! I am sorry you were having such a crappy time at work the other day! I am glad you are feeling better and that your co worker was there for you when you needed her. Lynne does a bible study group too, ask her about it!

10:53 AM  

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