Pictures Galore!

So what are all of these pictures? Well, there is no better place to start than the beginning. This first pic is of the fabric my new trenchcoat is made of. I got it at the GAP on sale. I love the GAP, but can only somewhat afford their clothing when it is on sale. They had this colour as well as beige, black, and a pretty blue. They didn't have the blue in my size so I did something uncharacteristic of myself and bought this crazy patterned jacket. My husband was surprised at me. But I love this trench, and I received a lot of compliments about it on the two nice days we had around here when I wore it.
Picture Number 2: The yarn for my Parisian Knit Tote that I took a class about a week ago. The picture doesn't really do the yarn justice, because the colours are so DELICIOUS together. It would have gone perfectly with the blue trench. I'll just have to make another to go with my fabulous trench.
Picture Number 3: Marmelade with my yarn. He likes to chew on strings and therefore yarn is also an obsession for him. That is as close as I have let him come to my fibres in a long time.
Picture Number 4: My new knitting bag, courtesy of Lynne. I love it! I love just carrying it around the house. Which probably explains my lack of knitting recently.
Picture Number 5: My new glasses. Yes, they are olive green and purple. They are so cool! My other glasses were blue and I felt they were not neutral enough. When I got new glasses, I wanted some that were more neutral. We looked at a bunch that were brown and black, but these ones were just neutral enough that I hardly even notice that they are olive green. I know my mom won't like them, she hates that green colour.
I am starting to notice just how much I stand out as a Canadian down here. For starters, I can't stop spelling colour without a "U". So I just leave it. And at work this week, I presented something at our weekly staff meeting and when I was talking everyone started laughing. This totally threw me because I had no idea what was so funny! When a room full of people start laughing at you, especially when it's my team, I was thinking either they had played a practical joke or that I had something hanging out of my nose or something else equally embarassing. But what they had found so funny was the way I say "process". Apparently they say it "prawcess" and I say "proocess". I know they find it funny when I say "out and about" but I don't really notice it that much. It's so interesting how things can be so different here compared to where I came from.
My parents are going to Mexico this week. I am really jealous. In fact, I can't really talk about it much more because I am just green with envy. It's so cold here! GAH! But I'm excited for them.
So yes, there really hasn't been that much knitting recently. And there will be even less this weekend. We're getting our taxes done, and then our nephew is coming to sleep over! That should be fun. He and John are going to do boy things, and maybe then I can knit a little. Let's hope...
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