Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A quick update

So that dishcloth I keep posting about? It's still not done...this is just one example of how little I am accomplishing these days. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I finally bought a Sudoku puzzle book on the weekend and I am obsessed with it! Especially now since I have solved some easy ones and now "get it". And maybe it has something to do with the pile of laundry I had to do this past weekend, and all of the other household things that somehow don't get done during the week now that I am working and need to be done on the weekend. Mind you, John is really stepping up and helping out WAY more than I expected, which is wonderful, but there is still a lot to do and I really like relaxing! :) The dishcloth will be done tonight, just one more row and then binding off I think. I'm trying to make sure it is almost a perfect square, without measuring it. Then I can wash it with the mound of other linens I have waiting.

I must have written about how Marmelade chewed through the yarn of my Picovoli. Yeah, haven't started that yet. Maybe tomorrow I'll sit down and cast on for that again. It's a shame it's not done yet, because I keep thinking how great it would look under some of my suit jackets at work! GAH! Okay, must go and knit...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A wee bit wintry out...

It is unusual for it to be so long for me in between posts. Well, what can I say? I started my new job this week, and this whole working full time thing can really cut into computer time. Plus, I have been very frustrated yet again in Knitting Land. My cat, Marmelade, chewed through the yarn connecting my two lines of Picovoli to my working yarn. Thankfully I wasn't farther along! But it serves me right for leaving my knitting bag open! Anywho, I haven't really knit much since then because I have started this project at least 10 times now, and between the casting on and now this, I'm a little discouraged. So I'm focusing on my dishcloth, which has been slow going. I think I might knit a few rows of that tonight to calm my work-minded mind. I find that starting a new job always leaves my mind so full because of everything I am taking in. It's a good feeling.

Tomorrow night, Pampered Chef Knit Knite! I'm excited, Chris!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Finished Projects 2006

I present to you Meema's Felted Marsupial Bag and That Seventies Poncho from the Stitch n Bitch series, in their completed forms.

Nothing gets you out of a knitting funk like finishing a project. After my last post at my mom's place, I pulled out Meema's bag and finished it. I only had like 15 rounds left and on big needles, that goes fast. And it was easy to do while I was visiting. Then I felted it at my mom's house, because my mom and sister wanted to witness the magic of felting. I shaved it today and it looks much better. TADA! Now I just need to get snaps for it! And yes, it really does have handles, but the pic isn't very good.

Now what do I want to work on next?...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

So freaking frustrated

Yesterday was yet another day of frustrated knitting. I thought I finally mastered the provisional cast on, but then I realized that I cast on SO tightly that it was really impossible to knit and I don't really know how to do it any more losely, so I gave up on that and decided to make Picovoli without the picots because really, I would like to be able to wear this garment sometime this year. So I cast on again and joined my stitches, only to realize I was knitting with my yarn tail instead of my working yarn. GAH! So that was the end of me knitting last night. I get to a point sometimes where I just can't do anymore. I was too upset to even pick up Sitcom Chic.

So today I am in Canada. I came up to visit with Ashley and to hang out at my parents' place so that the counter top they ordered can be delivered tomorrow (no one else would be around and since I was planning to come up anyways, I arranged to be here so it could be delivered, I am such a good daughter). I wasn't planning to come up until tonight, but then I found out that there was supposed to be freezing rain, because my mom called me frantically to tell me to plan my trip around it. I checked the weather and the radar when I left and I saw no sign of rain. Well, as soon as I got to St. Catharines, the temperature dropped and the rain started. By the time I got to Hamilton, it was quite nasty. On Highway 6, there were like two accidents and one of them was really bad. That really threw a wrench in my plans...I was going to stop at the mall on the way, but I decided it would really be best just to get there so I can relax at home.

So to help me relax, I tried to pick up stitches on my sister's scarf that she wants to lengthen because she only knit it with one skein of yarn and she got another one. But there are two problems with this idea, Sarah, as I have discovered:

1. the yarn is not a standard yarn, so I figured out how many stitches she had knit with originally and I even figured out what pattern she used, but I cannot see how to pick up 36 stitches evenly along the scarf. I tried two times and it just wasn't happening.

2. the second skein of yarn is from a different dye lot, so from the little I knitted up when I was figuring out the scarf I could tell that it would be very easy to tell that she started another ball of yarn. That would be a big issue for me because I am a total perfectionist, so I don't know how she will feel about it.

But this, unfortunately, only adds to my current knitting frustration. I think I'm getting a headache...

Monday, January 16, 2006

A productive day?

Yesterday we met Karen and Eric and the kids for breakfast. We went to the Two Brothers in Brockport, it's pretty good. Then we headed over to John's parents' place for a visit, and then shortly after that Karen and Eric got there too. We all hung out there for a while and then we went in to Hilton to go to Ben Franklin. I've never been there before, and Carol had saved me a flyer from there. I have been wanting to get the yarn to make Sitcom Chic, and it called for Lion Brand Cotton Ease which is cool with me because it's inexpensive, so we went to check it out in the Yarn Barn part of the store, and I found some Red Heart yarn on sale that would be a perfect replacement. As if I bought yarn to make a cardigan for $10, but it's true!

So then we headed home and I tried starting both Sitcom Chic and Picovoli. So Sitcom Chic calls for you to cast on 145 stitches and then work a K1, P1 rib for the first three rows. Well, I have learned from making my discloth that having an odd number of stitches does not produce a K1, P1 ribbing, so I think she made a mistake. Just to be sure, I did cast on and give it a shot and low and behold, no ribbing. So I'm amending the pattern a little (EEEEKKKK!) and we'll see how that goes. Oh, and when the pattern author suggests knitting with circulars back and forth instead of straight needles, I will listen next time because there were a heck of a lot of stitches crammed on those straight needles. As for Picovoli, my swatch was finished drying in the morning so I was ready to begin. I decided that I would try the picots even though it might be harder, because this project is all about expanding my skills. So I had to learn the provisional cast on method. I found a great site that has a description and video of what to do, so that definitely helped. When I tried it though I noticed that all of my stitches were twisting big time. By then it was time for Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy, so I am going to try again today and see how it goes.

So I've put the coffee on (I can smell it....mmmmmmm) and I'm getting ready to settle in for a day of knitting.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

A Project Update...and Saturday Stuff

I think I am starting to become overwhelmed by all of the projects I am currently working on and all of the projects that I want to start.

To recap, both for my readers and for myself, this is what I am currently working on: (hold on, must go and get my very full knitting bag...)

-a pretty little discloth for my own kitchen, to replace one of the ones that I got as a wedding shower present. I couldn't figure out how to make the one that I got, so I am making my own using an odd number of stitches and a K1, P1 pattern. It is making a fairly sturdy little cloth and I am very pleased. I am almost halfway done that. Wohoo for small projects!

digging deeper in the bag we find...

-Meema's Felted Marsupial Tote, from Stitch n Bitch, which is coming along swimmingly...I think I am almost ready to switch to the second color which is a gorgeous chocolate brown

under that we find...

-my Lion Brand socks which I am knitting from the pattern on the back of the yarn package. I've never knit socks before, and I have never knit on DPNs before, so I figured I'd give it a shot before I tried some other patterns.

and what just came in the mail and that I just brought in literally two minutes ago?

-my KnitPicks Shine yarn in Cream to make Picovoli . I am so excited! This will be my first KAL and now I can finally start! I think it may be a little hard though, but at least I have the Sexy Knitters Club website to refer to.

My projects are pictured above, not really in any sort of order because that would require me to be more organized. And since I just tore all over the house looking for my S n B book and then my camera to even write this post, I'm done.

As for things I would like to make, my list is getting bigger and bigger. Here are some listed below:

-Lucky, from S n B Nation, it is so delicate looking and would be so nice for work
-Hurry Up Spring Armwarmers, from S n B Nation (that is what I will use my dyeable yarn from KnitPics for, I'm excited!) though I don't think I'll make them as long as the armwarmers
-Cable Knit Purse which is just SO beautiful and feminine! I think I might make it with the butterfly from Butterflies are Free in S n B Nation though, cause I LOVE butterflies!
-Halley's Comet Hat, because I am totally in love with it! Though I think that I would have to have my head down all of the time so people can see the top of the hat because it is so pretty
-Honeymoon Cami, because summer is just around the corner! And you can't go wrong with a cute cami to wear under a suit or just on it's own on the weekend
-Jaywalker socks, mainly because I have seen Lisa and Lynne's WIPs of this pattern and it looks very hard! and very pretty! Maybe it's just the yarn they are using, but I would like to attempt this...someday...
-Butterfly Socks, from my gift from the Christmas Knit Party
-Sitcom Chic cardi, because I am slowly becoming obsessed with this pattern. I literally look at it everday. It would be perfect for the office at my new job, cute yet professional
-Tempting, because it looks pretty easy and I am really interested in making more garments to wear
-Straight Neck Pullover from Hollywood Knits, because it looks fairly easy and I'd like to have a breezy sweater

I think that is the list for now. I get so excited, I just want to start more and more things, but I really need to finish something too. I have one more week of lazing around, so we'll see what else I can knock off the list.

Okay must go and knit before I have to start supper. I am going to try another new recipe, Lazy Perogy Casserole. I love perogies, and since I really don't know how to make them, though I am sure they are super easy, and since I never remember to buy them at the store, I figured this would help to satisfy the craving. Then John and I are having a Date Night In, and we're going to have some recreational beverages and play games. My friend Anna and I just cracked open our new Sequence travel version the other night (it is the most fun and most addictive game ever, you MUST get it!), so I think that we will play Sequence and Uno and maybe some other games that we got, I think we have Taboo and some kind of Rummoli game in the game drawer too. I am so excited, I don't know why I am so into board games lately but it's so fun.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Just an all round good day...

What a great day I am having! This morning, Lisa helped me with my felted bag and we had a lovely time knitting together. Then when I got home, there were messages from someone interested in buying my car that I had to leave in Canada and from someone at the company I've been interviewing with. So I called back and I was offered two of the three jobs! I accepted the one that I was really hoping I would get and I am just tickled pink! I mean, I am just so excited! Now I can knit my little heart out until I start working. Now what would really top this day off is if the person wants to buy my car and offers me money on the spot...we'll see!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Cute as a button

Knittin' Pretty made the cutest little button. I have to learn how to make those, it is so nice!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Blogging from Canada

I'm at my parents' place in Canada for the weekend. I had a couple of errands to run, and decided to make a weekend of it. We had pizza last night, it was super tasty. I love Nick's pizza. I was able to see Kim and Bridgette, she is getting so much bigger and she is SO cute! And then last night, we had a family game of Sequence. I don't know if you've played Sequence, but you must. It is so fun! My mom and I won a lot! John and I have a travel version for two, but he played with just my brother over the holidays and decided that it's really not as fun with only two people, so he's not that excited to play the game with me. BOOOOOOO!

Today has been a nice relaxing day. My dad left for China and Italy this afternoon on business, so I'm glad I was here to see him off. I've spent most of the day knitting. My sock is growing! Mostly because I really can't figure out the pick up stitches thing on the purse. My mom tried to help me, but I'm not really convinced that she knows what she is doing (sorry Mom, you really didn't sound that confident) so I will seek help elsewhere (yes Lisa, that means you! LOL Thank you!) We had perogies and shrimp for supper and it was fantastic. My sister is such a great cook, she just invents all of these things and puts them together and they taste fab! It took her a few years to get that good though (sorry Sarah, but it's true). I remember some concoctions she made that were barely edible. But that was a long long time ago.

I'll be heading back to the US of A tomorrow. I'm glad I wasn't heading back tonight, the roads are a little slippery. We saw the QEW on the news and the cars were all over the place. I hate winter driving! GAH!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

So much progress...

Yesterday was pretty much a knitting day. So, I started and finished the i-cord for the poncho! YAY me! So it is now OFFICIALLY done! I would post a pic, but I want one of me wearing it and unfortunately there is no one here right now to take a picture but the cat. I also finished up the bottom of my felted purse from the first S 'n B book. Which really, wasn't that much of an accomplishment. It's only 16 sts wide and knitting 44 rows with that few stitches on such big needles takes no time at all. I was just stalling a bit because I'm not 100% sure of the next step and I really don't want to mess it all up. See, I don't know how to fix mistakes. So I just don't make them. I think I might try knitting up a little swatch and testing it out on my own to see if I do it right. I have to pick up stitches from the sides and bottom of the purse so that I'll be knitting it in the round the rest of the way up. I'm sure it's deceptively simple, but I scared!

I had my third interview for as many jobs at the same company today. Again, it went well. I got word that I will be contacted shortly for a second interview for one of the jobs so I am really excited and I really hope it get it! GAH! Continue to keep your fingers crossed. I know they are cramping up now, but just do it!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Knitting pics

I found these free pictures when I was searching around the web for knitting images. I thought they were so cute!

Sexy Knitters Club KAL

Today I decided to join the Sexy Knitters Club Knit A Long. We are making the cutest little shirt called the Picovoli. I just ordered my yarn today, KnitPicks Shine in Cream because it goes with everything and I need a little shell-type shirt I can wear with everything, so I really hope it comes soon so I can get started. It looks like it might be a little challenging, but I need a challenge and I definitely want to improve my knitting skills so I need to try things that I don't think I can do! And then rely on my knitting friends to help me through it! :)

This whole yarn obsession thing is really getting in the way of my job search. Okay Krista...FOCUS! :) I got another call today for ANOTHER interview for a different position in the same company I interviewed with last week. This job sounds pretty interesting too. I just hope that I can have a SECOND interview for one of the jobs that I've already interviewed for. They said it can take them up to 3 weeks to make a hiring decision. I am just so anxious! and excited!

Okay, must get back to the searching...I figure if I put in a pretty good day of work, than I am allowed to knit at night. Pretty good trade off, I think! ;)

Monday, January 02, 2006


Words cannot describe how proud I am to announce that I finished knitting the poncho. And it actually looks like a poncho and it actually fits and I actually like it and I think I will actually wear it! UNBELIEVABLE! This was by far the biggest project I have ever attempted, so I am so tickled pink with myself. I would post a pic, but I haven't started or finished the i-cord that is supposed to go up near the neckline. I just had to start something else, I didn't want to do the i-cord yet. So I started on my felted bag and it's going really well so far. I also tried to start a pair of socks, not the butterfly socks but another pair of socks I already knit the gauge for. I've never really knit on double pointed needles before so that was hard to figure out how the needles had to go with all of the stitches on them. I started a couple of times and I think I've got the hang of it, but it wasn't as much fun as the purse so I ditched it. I'll start the i-cord tomorrow or something.

I was really hoping to have the poncho finished by 2006 and I was so close. I only had 5 rows and binding off left on the 30th. But the 31st turned into a day of visiting the in-laws, running some errands, and then cleaning up and preparing muchies and getting dinner and then cleaning that up before John's sister and her family came over for New Year's. So instead I finished it on the 1st. That's pretty much what I did all day - finished knitting it and then I wove in all of the ends.

Oh right, I was so excited to write about my poncho that I didn't even write about New Year's. It was nice! We had a good time. I far prefer to have a nice quiet night with friends than go out on the town and be out with throngs of people. It must be my old age talking! :)

So 2006 has been pretty good so far, all two days of it. Lots of knitting, quality time with family...just the way I like it!